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Looking for solution in NMR?    Book Now


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400 MHz

The AvanceCore is a full-fledged, two-channel 400 MHz NMR spectrometer.


Additional features can be flexibly enabled and disabled with software subscriptions. You only pay for what you need, when you need it.

Quality & Performance

The AvanceCore offers the quality and high performance Bruker is known for, now at a lower price.

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NMR is an extremely powerful analytical method. In combination with the affordability of the AvanceCore, this makes NMR the ideal tool to address a large range of analytical questions, including structure elucidation and verification, molecular interactions, and quantitation. The AvanceCore solution offers NMR at a price similar to a standard liquid chromatography mass spec instrument.

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NMR offers many advantages over other analytical techniques. The AvanceCore provides better value for money than other methods:

  • With NMR, what you see is what is present. Chromatographic analysis requires process steps such as liquid injection or sample evaporation. Potential sample degradation or unwanted reactions complicate the assignment of signals.
  • NMR selectively detects nuclei such as 1H, 13C, 19F and 31P which are present in organic molecules. This is not apparent with other analytical techniques. For example, UV detectors for chromatography miss many substances without a chromophore. IR and mass detectors have similar limitations.
  • With NMR, substances can be identified and quantified against any reference standard. Other analytical methods rely on a reference standard of the same material.
  • 1D NMR experiments can be run with standard parameters for most samples. Several compounds are identified and quantified from a single spectrum. HPLC, for instance, can also deliver good separation and signal-to-noise — provided that the method was optimized for the particular application. NMR helps you to save time and money.